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What is Pick To Box method, and should your company use it?

In any order fulfillment process, there are many possibilities for inefficiencies and errors to creep in.

One of the most time-consuming and error-prone steps is inventory picking and packing. This is where the Pick To Box process comes in. Pick To Box can significantly reduce the handling touches in your order fulfillment process and as a result, you require fewer workers and less error-prone worker coordination.

Bottom line: you will be able to get your orders out the door faster and with fewer errors.

In addition, Pick To Box is also more efficient than traditional pick-to-pack solutions, which can be used in conjunction with other warehouse picking methods.

Pick To Box offers significant labor savings, as it can be implemented with a smaller workforce than traditional picking methods.

order picking

Challenges Of Pick To Box

The Pick To Box system has the potential to optimize the picking process but requires the workers to determine the right size of the shipping boxes before starting the picking tour.

So, when it comes to selecting the right box for your inventory, size matters.

Choosing a box that is too small will lead to restacking into a different box, making the process more time-consuming.

Choosing a box that is too big will either lead to restacking in a smaller box, or filling in the empty space with void fill (bubble wrap, air pillows, foam cushions, paper, etc.), thus decreasing fill rates and increasing cardboard spending.

The key is to find a happy medium—a box that’s just big enough to fit your inventory without any wasted space. That way, you can avoid the time-consuming task of restacking and the wasted materials associated with oversized boxes.




Enhancing Pick To Box Efficiency with Warehouse Optimization Software

Commonly workers themselves determine the required box types and amounts before starting the pick tour. Workers then head out into the warehouse with the boxes already in hand.

To combat the suboptimal box choices inherent in the Pick To Box method, a solution known as cartonization can come in handy.

Cartonization helps workers select the ideal shipping box to perfectly accommodate all items in the orders.

Cartonization software can take into account 3D shapes and transport rates to pack items in boxes efficiently, leading to cost savings and improved fill rates. Businesses can increase savings by up to 20% and fill rates by 30%.


Bottom Line

By understanding the advantages of pick to box and other picking methods. warehouse managers can make informed decisions about which system will work best for their facility.

There are many ways to pick orders in a warehouse, and the best method for your operation will depend on a number of factors.

You'll need to consider the specifics of your warehouse, the types of orders you fulfill, and the amount of labor you have available.

If you're looking for a way to streamline your order fulfillment process, Pick To Box is worth considering.

Learn more about order picking methods.

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